Waterford Minor Hockey Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 7PM in the upper boardroom at the Waterford Arena.
Anyone interested in running for a board position must submit a Nomination Form completed by the nominee and two (2) nominators, who are Members in good standing with the Association, prior to the election taking place. Nominees may also come from the floor at the AGM.
The following board positions are available:
REP Director/Administrator |
Elected |
2-years |
1st Vice President/U11-U18 Director |
Elected |
2-years |
2nd Vice President/U9 & Below Director |
Elected |
2-years |
Operations Director |
Elected |
2-years |
Special Events/Fundraising Director |
Elected |
2-years |
Election and appointment of the above-mentioned board positions will occur at the AGM and take effect at the conclusion of the 2024-25 season.
Approval of the agenda.
Approval of meeting minutes from the last AGM.
President's message.
Local League Director messages.
Treasurer's message.
Consideration of amendments to by-laws of the association.
Transaction of any business which relates to the business of the AGM, notice must be received by the Administrator in writing on or before Sunday, March 16, 2025 at 6PM.
Election of the new Board.
Proposed Bylaw Amendment(s)
Section 7.4: Quorum
Current Wording:
A quorum for an Annual General Meeting or General Meeting shall be a minimum of 25 Members eligible to vote and present in person. No business shall be transacted in the absence of a quorum except to take measures to obtain a quorum, to establish the time which to adjourn, or to take a recess.
Proposed Amendment:
A quorum for an Annual General Meeting or General Meeting shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) Members eligible to vote and present in person. No business shall be transacted in the absence of a quorum except to take measures to obtain a quorum, to establish the time which to adjourn, or to take a recess.
Updating to reduce the threshold to move forward with the Annual General Meeting. Often times it has proven difficult and costly to reschedule meetings because the quorum was not met. Requiring fifteen (15) members to attend ensures that the required attendance remains greater than the number of board members so that the board remains accountable to the membership.
Section 8.1(b): Number of Directors
Current Wording:
The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board, which consists of no less than ten (10) elected Directors and two (2) appointed Directors.
Proposed Amendment:
The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board, which consists of no less than three (3) elected Directors.
Updating to align with the minimum standards outlined in the Not-for-Profit Corporations Act.
Section 9.2: Board Positions
Current Wording:
Past President
1st Vice President/Rep Convenor
2nd Vice President/Local League Convenor
3rd Vice President/Local League Convenor
Speak-out Director
IP-Tyke Convenor
Ice Convenor
Tournaments Director
Operations Director
Special Events/Fundraising Director
Media/Communications Director
Development Director
Equipment Manager
Proposed Amendment:
Past President
1st Vice President/U11-U18 Director
2nd Vice President/U9 & Below Director
REP Director (Norfolk)/Administrator
Risk Management Director
Scheduling Director
Tournaments Director
Operations Director
Special Events/Fundraising Director
Communications Director
Coach Mentor/Development Director
Equipment Manager
Updating position descriptions and eliminating positions that are no longer required to align with current needs of the organization. Position descriptions will be updated throughout Constitution and By-law documents to reflect the changes.
Section 11.7: Responsibilities of Directors
Current Wording:
(d) 3rd Vice President / Local League Convenor
Proposed Amendment:
Position has been renamed REP Director (Norfolk)/Administrator
Current Wording:
(p) IP – Tyke Convenor
Proposed Amendment:
Position has been combined as 2nd Vice President/U9 & Below Director
Current Wording:
(i) Referee-In-Chief
Proposed Amendment:
Position no longer required. Duties to be assumed by Referee-In-Chief appointed by Norfolk Minor Hockey.