Mar 20, 2016 | klairo | 1677 views
End of Season...
WOW! What an amazing end to our season!
Each and everyone of our kids played their hearts out. Winning after eight rounds of shootout was 'icing on the cake', not to mention, very intense and entertaining. We are very proud of you LL#1 Wildcats.
Thank you Jeff for your kind words to all of us. Most importantly...we THANK YOU. As head coach, you mentored our children throughout the season with positive encouragement and praise. Win or lose, these kids had a smile on their face and always looked forward to getting back on the ice for the next challenge. Not an easy job, but you made it happen. Job well done by the entire bench. Please know that each of you did make a difference in our children's hockey experience, both on & off the ice, and all for the love of the game.
Thanks for making it a GREAT season. Wish everyone has a safe, healthy & happy summer.